The role of the European Commission in the process of establishing the common European tourism policy
tourism, European Commission, European tourism, European tourism policyAbstract
The subject of the paper is the role of the European Commission in the process of establishing the common European tourism policy. The aim of the paper is to analyse each phase of this process from chronological perspective, by using the method of qualitative analysis of the relevant European Commission’s documents, and to emphasise the key role of the European Commission in establishing the common European policy. Based on the EC documents analysis, it can be concluded that tourism had been treated for a long period of time just as the tool and instrument for accomplishing other supernational policies, when in 2010, the EC initiated the establishment of the common EU tourism policy at the supranational level. Unlike other supernational policies, European tourism policy was created in the process that lasted for two decades. According to the EC documents analysis, as the key indicator of an increased recognition of the importance of tourism as an independent industry within the EU the goals of the EC set for each phase of the process are taken, rather than the total financial sum invested.
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