Travel fairs attendance with the reference to political instability: Belgrade Travel Fair
trade fair, travel fair, political instability, Belgrade, SerbiaAbstract
Travel fairs are someof the most important events in the field of business tourism. Due to their international character, they are exposed to numerous influences, among which the influence of political instability is nowadays especially pronounced. Figuring as one of the factors that affect all aspects of the tourism industry, the examination of the perception of political instability of various stakeholders in the tourism industry is gaining importance. Travel fairs are someof the best sources of the information about the impact of political instability on various providers in tourism. This paper investigates the connection between the exhibitors’ perception of political instability and their unique characteristics. The survey was conducted through a questionnaire distributed to exhibitors during the 39th Belgrade Travel Fair. The data was analyzed through the SPSS platform, using frequency analysis, descriptive statistics and one way ANOVA. The results have shown significant differences in the exhibitors’ perception of the political instability in relation to their level of education, the size of the company and the sources of information about travel fairs.
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