Wine tourism in Macedonia, a qualitative analysis
wine tourism, wine routes, quality analysis, MacedoniaAbstract
Tourism industry in many economies plays a crucial role in the process of economic development, especially local economy development. As a result, many specific forms of tourism have been developed, where each form is aimed at maximizing benefits for the specific region. One of these forms is wine tourism. As the name suggests, this type of tourism is adequate for regions known for the production of quality wines. Although it is a couple-of-decades old concept, developed countries pay special attention to development and promotion of this type of tourism. Analysing the case of Macedonia, it could be said that the country itself has huge potential for development of wine tourism, thus grasping the benefits arising from it. Namely, the wine regions in Macedonia are well know globaly by the quality of their wines and vineyards. Some wineries have undertaken the intitial steps for development of wine toruism, but they are still long way ahead of utilizing the core benefits. This is primarely for the lack of adequate facilities and capacities for tourist accommodation. Even though there are, to some extent, wine routs set in place, there is a lack of standardized wine routs, thus, large number of tourists visit the wineries individualy insted of coming as an orginized tour. Since wine toruism can serve as a mechanism of local economic devolopment, Macedonia should work on its promotion in close cooperation with the wineries and local institutions.
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