Personal and organizational factors impacting burnout syndrome among hotel employees: A bibliometric and content analysis
hotel employees, burnout, bibliometric analysis, content analysisAbstract
The hotel industry is very vulnerable to unexpected external changes, which have an impact on employees as the major success factors of hotel functioning and success. The aim of this paper is to establish, by conducting a bibliometric and content analysis, the characteristics of existing research in the sphere of hotel employee burnout syndrome and to single out the main factors that influence it. The bibliometric analysis conducted in the beginning of September 2023 found that only 37 papers dealing with burnout among hotel employees were published in only eight journals from the sphere of tourism and hospitality indexed in the Web of Science database (Clarivate Analytics Journal Citation Report). The majority of authors who write about this subject are from the USA and China. Content analysis revealed that burnout syndrome among hotel employees is largely dependent on the personal characteristics of employees, as well as on organizational factors.
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