Does training and development affect employee retention in the hotel industry? The mediator role of organizational commitment
training and development, retention, commitment, hotels, human resourcesAbstract
The capacity of hotel companies to attract and keep qualified human resources is a critical factor influencing their long-term success. This study aims to verify the effects of training and development on staff retention in hotels located in the Republic of Serbia and to determine if a high degree of organizational commitment alters the strength of the link between these constructs. Descriptive and correlational analysis, ANOVA, T-test, and the regression model for testing mediation effects were applied to a sample of 97 hotel employees. The obtained results confirmed the statistical significance of the association between training and development and employee retention, along with the mediating role of their commitment in this relationship. The study’s theoretical contribution enhances knowledge of the intricate connection between training and development, employee commitment, and staff retention. Additionally, the results support hotel management in reinventing the approach for controlling employees’ work attitudes through a number of pragmatic implications.
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