Definition of wellness and its concepts


  • Сандра Живановић Универзитет у Крагујевцу, Факултет за хотелијерство и туризам у Врњачкој Бањи
  • Невена Манојловић Универзитет у Крагујевцу, Факултет за хотелијерство и туризам у Врњачкој Бањи


definition of wellness, models of wellness, wellness tourism


Studies show that about 80% of all diseases causing suffering and eventually death of nowadays population are mostly associated with stress, i.e. managerial disease. The solution to this issue is mainly based on frequent vacations and trips to nature. However, this concept has no application to those who live and work in urban areas. As a consequence, there has been an increased development in wellness tourism, which uses a variety of programs for improving the general condition of people and reducing the effects of stress to a minimum.

Considering the fact that nowadays there is a large number of interpretations of the very notion of wellness, the focus of this paper is to define this concept enabling thus an easier definition of wellness tourism. This is followed by pointing out the most important elements of wellness tourism and a brief description of each of these elements.


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How to Cite

Живановић, С., & Манојловић, Н. (2016). Definition of wellness and its concepts. Hotel and Tourism Management, 4(1), 74–82. Retrieved from
