Dimensions of the employer brand
employer brand, dimensions of the employer brand, human resourcesAbstract
Companies strive to attract talented employees from the labor market and reduce fluctuations in employee numbers, which can cause a number of negative effects on business, such as an increase in employment costs, decrease in revenue, lower productivity, bad interpersonal relations. In order to become attractive for talented employees, companies need to build the image of the attractive employer, defined as the employer brand in professional literature. Building an employer brand requires the development of particular aspects of it. Analyzing these aspects, the company management gets information on which potential and current employees are most worth hiring and keeping, and the answer to the question of which aspects need to be invested in and how employer can became attractive in the labor market. The aim of the paper is to observe the development of the aspects of the employer brand and their comparison, based on studies conducted earlier.The methods of research used in this paper are the following: methods of induction and deduction and methods of analysis and synthesis. Based on the earlier studies, it can be concluded that the identification and observation of the aspects of the employer brand indicate the demands and needs of employees, whose fulfillment leads to better business results and a better competitive position of the company. By developing these aspects, the employer actually follows the development of the company, the development of employees and the level of their satisfaction.
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