Intangible cultural heritage as a motive for choosing the tourist destination Aran?elovac
intangible cultural heritage, culture, tourism, destinationAbstract
Intangible cultural heritage is of vital importance for the development of a tourist destination. It manifests itself through the customs, celebrations, music, songs, dances, stories, myths, traditions, legends, old crafts, aesthetic, spiritual and social systems of community values. As a value, tourist destinations are presented on the spot as well as at festivals, carnivals, concerts and food service facilities. Culture and tourism are becoming increasingly connected over time and therefore represent an inseparable whole. Interest in culture and cultural programs, among which are also those whose framework pertains to intangible cultural heritage, is constantly increasing. This paper deals with the study of the bond between tourists and intangible cultural heritage of a destination. Namely, the paper argues that the tourists’ choice to visit a particular destination depends largely on the intangible cultural heritage in the area of that destination.
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