Relationship between the school principal leadership style and teachers’ job satisfaction
leadership style, teachers‟ job satisfaction, the managerial grid model, leadership oriented to people, leadership oriented to tasksAbstract
The principal leadership style is principal behaviour in a working process, which influences all school performances. Teachers? job satisfaction refers to the affective attitude of teachers towards their role, derived from the evaluation of characteristics of the job itself. The aim of this research is to define relationship between school principal style and teachers' satisfaction. The sample includes 22 primary and secondary schools from Serbia. In this paper, authors used two different tools. First instrument was used for determination of leadership style of the school principal. The adapted Blake?s instrument also known as the managerial grid model was used for research purpose of school principal behaviour. The second instrument Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) was used in order to obtain information on teachers? satisfaction. In each school 10 teachers and their principals filled in the questionnaire. This process resulted with 220 teachers? surveys and 22 surveys of school principals. Results indicate that the school principal leadership style influences teacher?s satisfaction. Principals oriented to people positively influence teacher?s satisfaction in the areas school development, relationship with colleagues and teamwork. Principal oriented to task negatively influences teacher?s satisfaction in the areas of communication, school development and safety. Also, results indicate that teachers are mostly satisfied with aspects of safety, working skills, and nature of work.
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