Types of tourism and the perspectives of tourism development in Spain


  • Марија Ристић Туристичка агенција Ђирамондо
  • Љубица Владушић Студент мастер студија, Доба факултет за примењене пословне и друштвене студије Марибор


tourism types, Spain, Horizon 2020


Spain retained the status of one of the most touristically developed countries even though the competition in the tourism market is harsher and the number of countries that invest great efforts in animating touristic clientele is increasing. Despite all this, new types of tourist destinations appear with distinctive offers. This paper will consider types of tourism present at the territory of Spain and the perspectives of tourism development in Spain. The significance of this paper is reflected in its attempt to give insight into the benefits and disadvantages for development of certain tourism types on the territory of Spain. Statistical methods are used to determine the number of tourist's visits, the ratio of visitors among domestic and foreign tourists, the most visited destinations and the number of visiting tourists by their home country.


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How to Cite

Ристић, М., & Владушић, Љ. (2016). Types of tourism and the perspectives of tourism development in Spain. Hotel and Tourism Management, 4(2), 82–90. Retrieved from https://htmanagementvb.com/index.php/HITM/article/view/96


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