Key cultural-historical determinants of tourism improvements of the Municipality of Bač




Bač, cultural heritage, sustainable tourism, valorization


The Municipality of Bač is a true treasure trove of authentic tourist attractions due to its turbulent centuries-old past with preserved heritage. That is why the topic of this paper is the cultural and historical factors important for tourism development in the Municipality of Bač. The paper aims to point out the current situation, but it also wants to identify the development potentials of the Municipality of Bač. The process of valuing the heritage of the Bač Fortress, the Bodjani Monastery, the Franciscan Monastery, and the Turkish Bath is based on scientific, cultural, educational, and touristic values. For the purposes of work from August 23 to September 30, 2022, a survey was conducted on a sample of 115 respondents from Bač – the seat of the municipality of the same name, as well as in other settlements of this municipality. The total cultural and touristic value of the authentic heritage exceeds the other average values at the location, while the scientific value is the lowest compared to all the other. Due to the devastation of the Turkish bath, the overall educational function is not satisfactory.


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How to Cite

Sančanin, B., Penjišević, A., & Stojanović, K. (2023). Key cultural-historical determinants of tourism improvements of the Municipality of Bač. Hotel and Tourism Management, 11(1), 177–191.
