Model of competitiveness of Cajetina Municipality as a tourist destination


  • Stefan Denda Студент мастер студија, Универзитет у Београду, Географски факултет


Čajetina, tourist destination, competitiveness, projects


This paper deals with the competitiveness of Cajetina Municipality as a tourist destination by using model that is placed by Crouch and Ritchie in 1999. This model includes five components of tourist destination: key resources and attractions, support factors, destination management and determinants that define and enhance competitiveness (situational conditions). This model includes 36 attributes of destination competitiveness which are grouped within these determinants. In this particular example there are determinants which are related to natural conditions, culture, events and entertainment, suprastructure, relations with emissive markets, infrastructure and accessibility, utilities, hospitality, entrepreneurship, political will, but also include location, safety, prices, and interdependence of destinations, image and carrying capacity. In addition, this model incorporates the concept of policy, planning and destination development with separate priority projects in the future. The aim of this paper is to emphasize the importance of ?ajetina and Zlatibor on the tourist map of Serbia.


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How to Cite

Denda, S. (2014). Model of competitiveness of Cajetina Municipality as a tourist destination. Hotel and Tourism Management, 2(2), 95–105. Retrieved from
