Organizing resources in music performing arts in Serbia
culture, music performing arts, organization, management, transitionAbstract
The value of cultural and artistic events is not yet fully understood in Serbia, so important in achieving an improvement of the society. According to Plato, "the state is as good as the music in it." Music and performing arts are not sufficiently commercial to survive in the market – oriented, commercial, mass – product society. However, in Serbia, there are great artists, who are not supported or marketed in the best way. Obviously, it is necessary to understand the importance of the high level professional artistic production and organization in this sector. The new management structure, as well as supporting cultural organizations, must be synchronized and in all other respects harmonized with the current profit opportunities, but also with higher general social objectives and requirements that high art represents, as the main component of the postindustrial society development. Effort has to be made for the rational approach, confirmed by theoretical and practical achievements, applied in the manner and to the extent that will contribute to the field of music and performing arts, in order to be able to create a better organized and creatively stimulating environment, while preserving the artistic integrity and relative freedom of artistic creativity.
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