Review Article UDC: 338.48-6:7/8(497.113)
doi: 10.5937/menhottur2301177S
Key cultural-historical determinants of tourism improvements of the Municipality of Bač
Branislav Sančanin1[*], Aleksandra Penjišević1, Katarina Stojanović2
1 University “Union – Nikola Tesla” Belgrade, Faculty of Management, Sremski Karlovci, Serbia
2 University Business Academy – Novi Sad, Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management in Novi Sad, Serbia
Abstract: The Municipality of Bač is a true treasure trove of authentic tourist attractions due to its turbulent centuries-old past with preserved heritage. That is why the topic of this paper is the cultural and historical factors important for tourism development in the Municipality of Bač. The paper aims to point out the current situation, but it also wants to identify the development potentials of the Municipality of Bač. The process of valuing the heritage of the Bač Fortress, the Bodjani Monastery, the Franciscan Monastery, and the Turkish Bath is based on scientific, cultural, educational, and touristic values. For the purposes of work from August 23 to September 30, 2022, a survey was conducted on a sample of 115 respondents from Bač – the seat of the municipality of the same name, as well as in other settlements of this municipality. The total cultural and touristic value of the authentic heritage exceeds the other average values at the location, while the scientific value is the lowest compared to all the other. Due to the devastation of the Turkish bath, the overall educational function is not satisfactory.
Keywords: Bač, cultural heritage, sustainable tourism, valorization
JEL classification: L83, Z32
Ključne kulturno-istorijske determinante unapređenja turizma opštine Bač
Sažetak: Zbog burne viševekovne prošlosti sa očuvanim svedočanstvima trajanja, opština Bač predstavlja pravu riznicu autentičnih turističkih atrakcija. Predmet ovog rada su kulturno-istorijske determinante koje su važne za unapređenje turizma na području opštine Bač. Cilj rada je da se ukaže na trenutno stanje, ali i da se prepoznaju razvojni potencijali opštine Bač. Proces vrednovanja nasleđa Bačke tvrđave, Srpskog pravoslavnog manastira Bođani, Franjevačkog samostana i Turskog hamama zasnovan je na naučnim, kulturnim, edukativnim i turističkim vrednostima. Za potrebe rada od 23. avgusta do 30. septembra 2022. godine, na uzorku od 115 ispitanika, obavljeno je anketno istraživanje u Baču – sedištu istoimene opštine, kao i u ostalim naseljima ove opštine. Ukupna kulturna i turistička vrednost autentičnog nasleđa premašuje ostale prosečne vrednosti na lokaciji, dok je naučna vrednost najniža u odnosu na sve ostale. Zbog devastacije Turskog hamama, ukupna obrazovna funkcija nije zadovoljavajuća.
Klјučne reči: Bač, kulturno nasleđe, održivi turizam, valorizacija
JEL klasifikacija: L83, Z32
1. Introduction
Cultural heritage is highly positioned at the global, national, and local levels and being an indispensable segment of sustainable development policies, it is a relevant source of identity. Therefore, any consideration of cultural heritage and its integration into the spectrum of public policies should be based on the protection, use and presentation of cultural monuments, spatial cultural and historical sites, archaeological sites, and landmarks.
Due to the global development of tourism, especially mass cultural tourism, there are more and more attitudes that the concept of cultural heritage development must be based on the results of analysis and environmental impact, strategic planning, and appropriate heritage management strategies. Such a starting point is based on the principles of the Helsinki Declaration on the Political Dimension of Preserving Cultural Heritage in Europe (Council of Europe, 1996), which was significantly upgraded with the adoption of the Council of Europe Framework Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society (Council of Europe, 2005).
The UNESCO World Heritage List One has been enriched with 1.144 properties, 897 of which are cultural assets, 218 are natural assets, while 39 are mixed (UNESCO, 2021a). There are five cultural properties from Serbia on the World Heritage List (UNESCO, 2016): Stari Ras and Sopoćani Monastery (year of inscription: 1979), Studenica Monastery (1986), Medieval monuments in Kosovo and Metohija: Visoki Dečani Monastery (2004) and the Church of the Patriarchate of Peja, Gračanica Monastery and the Church of the Mother of God Ljeviska (expanded inscription 2006), Gamzigrad - Romuliana (2007) and Medieval tombstones Stećci (2016).
The UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Mankind includes 629 elements from 139 countries (UNESCO, 2021b). The representative list from Serbia includes: Family Patron Saint’s Day (2014), Kolo, traditional folk dance (2017), Singing with the fiddle (2018), Zlakusa pottery, handmade pottery (2020) and Social practices and knowledge related to the preparation and use of the traditional plum spirit – šljivovica (2022) (UNESCO, 2022).
“The cultural landscape of Bač and its surroundings” is on the UNESCO Tentative Lists, published by the World Heritage Committee. This is an important and obligatory step considering that nominations for inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage List are considered only if the information on heritage is publicly available on the provisional list for no less than a year.
In addition to indicating the current situation, the research should contribute to the recognition of the development potential of both the Municipality of Bač and the wider region, respecting the Law on Tourism, the Tourism Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia for the period from 2016 to 2025, as well as the Development Plan of AP Vojvodina 2022-2030.
2. The importance of cultural heritage for tourism development
Cultural-historical heritage and sustainable tourism development are complementary and dynamic categories whose synergistic effects significantly exceed individual reflections. In this context, Slunjski (2017) emphasizes the contribution of cultural heritage to the attractiveness of a tourist destination, while tourism is seen as a necessity due to the promotion of the tourist destination and building its identity through the goods of tangible and intangible cultural heritage, which ultimately provides funds for its preservation. Cai et al. (2021) created a new model of joint development of cultural heritage and tourist activity that represents a relevant segment of sustainable development tourism, directing the focus towards the use of digital technologies, which will enable managers to regulate the tourist flow according to the tourist capacity threshold. Krasojević and Djordjević (2017) point out that tourists are increasingly interested in different cultures, performing arts, crafts, rituals, gastronomy, interpretation of nature and the universe, which is increasingly reflected in financial performance. It is estimated that these tourists spend a third more than the average, which indicates that the growing trend of interest in cultural tourism provides an opportunity for cultural heritage, as a resource of development, to benefit the local and broader community by becoming sustainable. In this sense, Wang et al. (2022) emphasize that the preservation of cultural heritage has a key cultural, educational, political and artistic role, and that it contributes to the social development and cultural preservation of the destination area.
The increase in the number of new cultural destinations and ways of traveling will contribute to the rise of creative clusters and event programs, such as the European Capital of Culture. The focus of such large programs is gradually shifting to smaller cities. [...] The Internet and social media have enabled individuals to create their own cultural experiences, establishing a dialogue between cultural producers and consumers towards cultural development (Richards, 2021, pp. 4–5). Milićević et al. (2013) warn that the development of mass tourism has contributed to the uncontrolled exploitation of natural resources, but that the solution to the irresponsible behavior of providers of tourism offers is found in the concept of sustainable tourism, i.e. in the establishment of responsible and planned use of potential. Many authors point to the consequences of insufficiently good management of cultural heritage and possible degradation (Semprebon, 2022; Zhang et. al., 2015; Zubiaga et al., 2019), warning of the irreversibility of the process of cultural heritage degradation.
Sančanin (2019) points out that the integration of cultural and historical heritage is an important qualitative shift, “which contributes to enriching the tourist offer by engaging emotions, improving experiences, and deepening an understanding of places, people, events and objects from the past and present” (p. 7). Dašić and Savić (2020) remind that highlighting the identity of the destination and integrating natural and cultural heritage into the tourist product is of crucial importance for the sustainability of the tourist product on the market, while Taylor (2019) proposes a broader approach to this topic, explaining that the concept of cultural landscape, which covers rural and urban spheres, became the main topic in the process of managing cultural heritage sites, and that the roots of this mutual connection are found in the social, political and economic relations between people and the landscape.
Numerous and diverse media content can contribute to the development of the awareness of cultural property importance among the local population. In addition, “a revival of historical events, all possibilities for involving the population in the care of cultural heritage and additional education, should be utilized” (Janković Perić, 2019, pp. 378–379).
The development of tourism based on cultural and historical heritage needs to be viewed through the prism of the funds secured in this manner, which can be directed to the protection and further promotion of heritage. There is also a part of the professional public that is reserved and looks at cultural tourism with a dose of caution, warning of the numerous negative consequences of tourism on culture. However, potential conflict situations can be resolved, over the long term or even permanently, by creating a predictable scenario for increased tourist influx and a stable environment. There is a number of examples in which increased attendance may be considered beneficial to stakeholders, “museums, heritage theme parks, and even religious cultural assets, that count on ticket revenues or donations and which can reap the benefits of increased visits without incurring any negative consequences” (McKercher, 2005, p. 541). The claim that investing in cultural tourism can significantly improve the quality of life in locations where there is cultural and historical heritage, as well as contribute to the renewal of neglected urban areas and increase the value of real estate, also supports this. In addition, this type of tourism encourages the sustainable development of traditional forms of life and economic activities, contributes to employment, and returns life to depopulated zones (Urošević, 2010).
Pančić Kombol (2006) assures that tourism is creating specific areas of demand that are constantly evolving given that tourists seek authenticity and cultural meaning, explaining “that it has gone beyond a framework that has long belonged to the social elite and that culture scores high on the scale of popular activities during tourist trips” (p. 213).
Recognizing the potential and valuing cultural heritage at the municipal and city level can be a stable platform for its integration into other local development strategies and projects. For local governments, as well as for all other stakeholders in cultural heritage, it is important to create strategic documents for the management and use of cultural heritage in a way that allows (Mikić, 2015):
· “Identification of buildings/units with heritage values and their status;
· Valuation of cultural heritage;
· Integration of cultural heritage into development policies and other strategic
documents at the local level;
· Insight into measures and protection and use regime;
· Insight into legal status and ownership;
· Analysis of the rehabilitation potential of cultural heritage and its broader
involvement in development processes;
· Financial framework and potential investment strategy for the rehabilitation of
cultural heritage;
· Institutional framework for implementation, jurisdiction and responsibility” (p. 14).
The necessity of stepping out of the multidisciplinary approach to tourism development and to the interdisciplinary platform extends to establishing a correlation between the most important resource attractions and multipliers. Such an approach should provide an “integrated definition and the implementation of goals for the development of culture and tourism through intersectoral and interdepartmental connections and continuous cooperation” (Sančanin et al., 2019, p. 77).
3. The cultural and tourist values of Bač
The settlement of Bač occupies a specific position as a border municipality on the Danube with a natural and state border between Serbia and Croatia. Its center is the municipality of the same name in the South Bačka District, 140 km from Belgrade, 120 km from Subotica and 62 km from Novi Sad (Figure 1). According to the 2011 census, there were 14,425 inhabitants in the municipality of Bač (Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 2011), but in assessing the biodynamic characteristics of the population, a depopulation trend has been predicted, thus 11,741 inhabitants are expected to be living in Bač by the year of 2041 (Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 2014).
Figure 1: Municipality of Bač
Source: Municipality of Bač (n.d.)
A valuable cultural and historical heritage is noticeable within the municipality of Bač, whose valorization provides a chance for the development of tourism. The Bač Fortress is of special cultural heritage significance, while the Bodjani Monastery and the Franciscan Monastery are recognizable among the sacral heritage. The site also contains the remains of a Turkish bath, Hamam.
The utilization of both a multidisciplinary approach and a detailed analysis of the situation and the proposed spatial planning in cooperation with relevant national and international institutions allow one to be optimistic when it comes to the desired result: “creating an ambiental whole around the cultural-historical asset, with basic and accompanying tourist content that would enable controlled commercial use, revenue generation and partial return of income through investments in conservation” (Kovjanić, 2003, p. 31).
Radovanović (2018) reminds that the long history and almost uninterrupted cult function of one place, for more than eight centuries, together with preserved testimonials, represents not only a rich treasure, but also a rarity due to the amount of recorded, preserved and living heritage.
Creating the concept of sustainable year-round tourism development should be based on the construction of tourist infrastructure, a wider range of tourist products and more diverse tourist services, as well as stronger IT support.
3.1. The Bač Fortress
The Bač Fortress1 is an important site and the best preserved medieval fortification complex in Vojvodina, adapted for defense in wetlands with a fortified castle and 36 gardens. “As an important archeological site, it testifies to the settlement that existed there in the younger Neolithic period, six millennia ago” (Spatial Plan of the Municipality of Bač 2015, p. 58). It is assumed that the fortification, or at least one part of it, was built during the period from 1338 to 1342 and is related to the Hungarian King Charles Robert of Anjou. Although the Fortress was rebuilt and strengthened as the largest fortress in Bačka at the end of the 15th and the beginning of the 16th century, Bač and the Fortress were occupied by the Turks in 1529, who remained there until 1687 (SANU, n.d.). After the Rákoczi Uprising in 1704, the Fortress was mined and destroyed never to be rebuilt or used again. Although the physical integrity has been significantly lost, the preserved elements of the Fortress point to the developed High Gothic fortification school, with details of the early Italian Renaissance (Vujović, 2018).
3.2. The Bođani Monastery
The Orthodox monastery Bođani2 is 14 km west of Bač in the direction of the Danube. The complex consists of a church, dormitories built in the shape of the letter P and ancillary economic facilities. Vujović (2016) states that “the construction of the original Monastery began at the end of 1478, while the existing church, dedicated to the Presentation of the Most Holy Mother of God, was built in 1722, definitely assuming its current appearance after the fire in 1786-1810” (p. 21). “The interior of the church is covered with wall paintings by graphic artist and icon painter, Hristofor Žefarović” (Balaban 2018, p. 11). In the church, there is an icon of the miraculous Mother of God of Bođanska from the end of the 17th century. The iconostasis is a valuable artistic whole, the work of Kiev painters Jova Vasilijevic and Vasilije Romanovic (Vujović, 2018).
3.3. The Franciscan Monastery
The Franciscan monastery3 is located in the center of Bač and is one of the most important cultural assets in the Republic of Serbia. The complex dates back to the 12th century, and “consists of a church dedicated to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and lodgings that are connected to the church by a corridor and comprise a single whole” (Balaban 2018, p. 4). The icon of the Mother of God from 1684 and old rare books were placed under protection in 1948 while in 1951 the protection was extended to architecture. After the fall of Bač to Turkish rule, the church was turned into a mosque (Vujović, 2018). With the introduction of museum-educational contents in 2018, the tourist offer has been significantly enhanced.
3.4. The Turkish Hamam
The remains of the Turkish bath – Hamam4 are located near the entrance to the Bač Fortress and “represent a valuable and rare testimony to 157 years of Ottoman domination in the area of Bačka” (Vujović 2016, p. 28). The single bathroom, built in the 16th century and auxiliary functional rooms, was a gathering place for the local population. Part of the Hamam was destroyed, “but pipes within the walls are visible, which conducted hot and cold water, and numerous data on its original appearance have been preserved” (Balaban 2018, p. 7).
4. Objective and research methodology
The aim of the research is to analyze and present the scientific, cultural, educational and touristic value of the cultural and historical heritage of the municipality of Bač through the established criteria, which can be put in the function of tourist valorization.
Accordingly, primary research was created and the following research questions were posed:
Q1: How and to what extent does cultural heritage represent scientific value?
Q2: How and to what extent does cultural heritage have educational value?
Q3: How and to what extent does cultural heritage have touristic value?
The data were collected via a direct survey method. The research sample was purposive sampling of residents of the municipality of Bač (Vojvodina, Republic of Serbia). The pilot survey included 25 respondents, while the final number of respondents was 115 (n=115). The time of data collection was August 23 to September 30, 2022.
The questionnaire consisted of five parts. Namely, the first part contained general questions about gender, level of education, place of residence, region. In the second and third part, there were questions/items related to the determination of the scientific value of cultural heritage, where respondents evaluated the scientific value of cultural heritage and the cultural value of cultural heritage on a scale 0-3, where 0 implied significant damage to essential features, and 3 implied no visible damage, i.e., 0 - no relation to cultural events, 3 - often a part of cultural events. In the fourth part of the scale, the respondents evaluated the educational value of cultural heritage on a scale 0-3, i.e. 0 - it is not used for educational purposes, 3 - it is used for educational purposes at different levels of education. In the fifth part, the respondents randomly evaluated items related to the touristic value of cultural heritage in such a way that 0 meant there are no services, and 3 services are next to the object of cultural heritage. The data were processed in the MS Excel software package.
Valuation of cultural heritage respects numerous characteristics and criteria such as preservation, uniqueness, the context of a specific period of time, spirituality, aesthetic value, connection with significant events and personalities from the past, sensitivity to dynamic and often unpredictable changes, and the increasing pressure of the modern way and pace of life. As, to date, universal determinants for the valorization of tangible and intangible cultural heritage have not been established, nor is the value of cultural heritage constant, defining criteria is the task of individual countries and researchers. The following criteria were used in this research (Dumbović-Bilušić, 2015; Mesarić, 2015; Slunjski, 2017):
· In order to determine the scientific value of cultural and historical heritage, the following criteria are evaluated:
· State of preservation (3)5, rarity in the research field (2), public scientific papers on cultural and historical heritage (3), connection with other cultural assets (2) and importance for the reconstruction of the evolution of space (3).
· When valuing cultural values, the role in cultural events (3), presence in works of art, myths and legends (3), connection with people and events of historical significance (3), religious and metaphysical significance (2) and potential cultural value, are taken into account.
· Educational value is assessed with only one criterion: use of cultural heritage for educational purposes (3).
· Determinants that are evaluated when establishing touristic value are: accessibility and access (3), recognition outside the profession (3), representation in tourist materials (3), equipment and existence of services (3), duration of the season of possible use (3) and risk of degradation (2).
The sum of the obtained points provides a clear presentation and easy interpretation of the value of cultural and historical heritage, which is the basis of objective valorization and correlation with other heritage.
5. Research results
The research results are based on the survey “Key cultural-historical determinants of tourism improvements of the municipality of Bač”. One hundred and fifteen respondents participated in the research, 32 of which (27.83%) were Male and 83 (72.17%) were Female. The average age of the respondents was 53 years of age, where the minimum age was 18, and the maximum age was 76. For more on the socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents, see Table 1.
Table 1: Summary of the demographics
Frequency |
Percent |
Gender |
Male |
32 |
27.83 |
Female |
83 |
72.17 |
Total |
115 |
100.00 |
Year of life |
Youth (up to 19 years) |
9 |
7.83 |
Mature (from 20 to 59 years) |
80 |
69.56 |
Older (60 and older) |
26 |
22.61 |
Total |
115 |
100.00 |
Populated places |
Bač |
60 |
52.17 |
Selenča |
15 |
13.04 |
Vajska |
15 |
13.04 |
Bođani |
6 |
5.22 |
Plavna |
10 |
8.70 |
Bačko Novo Selo |
9 |
7.83 |
Total |
115 |
100.00 |
Education |
Elementary school |
0 |
0.00 |
Secondary school |
49 |
42.61 |
Bachelor academic or vocational studies |
42 |
36.52 |
Master studies |
23 |
20.00 |
PhD studies |
1 |
0.87 |
Total |
115 |
100.00 |
Region of residence |
Region of Vojvodina |
57 |
49.56 |
Belgrade region |
31 |
26.96 |
Region of southern and eastern Serbia |
5 |
4.35 |
Region of Šumadija and western Serbia |
14 |
12.17 |
Kosovo and Metohija |
2 |
1.74 |
Foreign countries |
6 |
5.22 |
Total |
115 |
100.00 |
Source: Authors’ research
During the research period, the majority of tourists to be found in the area of the municipality of Bač were middle-aged, which can help in forming the tourism offer of the mentioned statistical cohort. The majority of tourists to frequent this destination came from AP Vojvodina and Belgrade Region, so it is necessary to reserve significantly more promotional activities for other Serbian regions, as well as to attract and retain tourists from abroad. In addition, there is a noticeable lack of content that could attract the younger generation, and finding answers to these questions is at the top of the development priorities of the municipality of Bač.
Table 2: Determining the scientific value of cultural heritage
I |
II |
IV |
Preservation status |
0 |
0 |
0 - significant damage to essential features |
1 - moderate damage to essential features |
2 - mild damage without loss of essentials designations |
3 |
3 |
3 - without visible damage |
Rarity in the field of research |
0 - common site in the research field |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 - among the three most important sites in the research field |
2 |
2 - only site in the research field |
Scientific papers on cultural goods |
0 - does not exist |
1 |
1 - rare papers |
2 |
2 |
2 - number of papers of national importance |
3 |
3 - papers of international importance |
Connection with other cultural goods |
0 - no connection |
1 - connection with only one cultural good |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 - connection with multiple cultural goods |
Importance for the reconstruction of the evolution of space |
0 - without significance |
1 - small significance (indicates evolution of the surroundings) |
2 |
2 - medium significance (indicates evolution of the broader surroundings) |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 - great significance (indicates evolution of the region) |
Note: The Bač Fortress [I]; The Bođani Monastery [II]; The Franciscan Monastery [III];
The Turkish Hamam [IV]
Source: Authors’ research
The process of determining the scientific value of the cultural heritage for the Bač Fortress and the Turkish Hammam showed the examinees' concern for the state of preservation and possible degradation, and the scientific value was the lowest in relation to all other criteria. The situation at the location and the arguments that warn of the necessity of conducting extensive and interventional scientific-research activities, have led to a lack of points for the cultural assets of the Bač Fortress and the Turkish Hammam. The Bođani Monastery and the Franciscan Monastery, recognized as a preserved and largely researched heritage, were valued according to this criterion with the maximum number of points. Cultural goods have a satisfactory interconnectedness, as well as exceptional importance for the reconstruction of the evolution of space. The average assessment of scientific value for the Bač Fortress is 2, the Bođani Monastery and Franciscan Monastery 2.2, and the Turkish Hammam 1.2. The total scientific value of cultural heritage is 7.6.
Creating a database of scientific and professional papers on the cultural and historical heritage and tourisic potentials of Bač, is one of the priority common tasks of public policy makers at the local and national level.
Table 3: Determining the cultural value of cultural heritage
I |
II |
IV |
Role in cultural events |
0 - nothing to do with cultural events |
1 |
1 - rarely part of cultural events |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 - often part of cultural events |
Presence in works of art, myths and legends |
0 |
0 - not present |
1 |
1 |
1 - rarely present |
2 |
2 - often present |
Connection with people and events of historical significance |
0 - no connection |
1 |
1 - weak connection |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 - frequent connection |
Religious and metaphysical meaning |
0 - no religious or metaphysical meaning |
1 - weakly expressed religious or metaphysical meaning |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 - well expressed religious or metaphysical meaning |
Potential cultural value |
0 - no potential cultural value |
1 - small potential cultural value |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 - great potential cultural value |
Note: The Bač Fortress [I]; The Bođani Monastery [II]; The Franciscan Monastery [III];
The Turkish Hamam [IV]
Source: Authors’ research
The average assessment of cultural value for the Bač Fortress is 2.4, for the Bođani Monastery and Franciscan Monastery 2.2, and for the Turkish Hammam 1.2. The total cultural value for cultural heritage is 8, which indicates the existence of a respectable tourist resource. In order to further strengthen cultural value, it is necessary to analyze trends in similar global tourist markets with more sensitivity, in order to raise quality and make an important competitive step towards increasingly demanding tourists, by defining concrete and realistic activities.
Table 4: Determining the educational value of cultural heritage
I |
II |
IV |
Use of cultural heritage for educational purposes |
0 - not used for educational purposes |
1 |
1 - Used for educational purposes at one level of education |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 - Used for educational purposes at different levels of education |
Note: The Bač Fortress [I]; The Bođani Monastery [II]; The Franciscan Monastery [III];
The Turkish Hamam [IV]
Source: Authors’ research
The use of the cultural heritage of the Bač Fortress (3), the Bođani Monastery (3) and the Franciscan Monastery (3) for educational purposes was evaluated with the maximum number of points, and to improve this function when it comes to the Turkish Hammam (1) it is necessary to apply modern scientific knowledge and apply already proven practical experiences. The application of old techniques during conservation and restoration works on cultural heritage represents an unusual opportunity for spreading knowledge and acquired skills through the publication of thematically profiled papers in scientific journals. Insufficient representation of papers on the Turkish Hammam can be explained by the state of devastation and the modest promotion so far.
Table 5: Determining the tourist value of cultural heritage
I |
II |
IV |
Availability and access |
0 - access via undeveloped land |
1 - Access via trails |
2 - access via developed roads |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 - access by paved road with parking |
Recognizability outside the profession and science |
0 - not recognizable |
1 - recognizable on a local scale |
2 |
2 - recognizable on a regional scale |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 - recognizable on a national scale |
Representation in tourist materials |
0 - not represented in tourist materials |
1 |
1 - very rarely represented in tourist materials |
2 - represented in tourist materials |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 - often represented in tourist materials |
Equipment and existence of services |
0 |
0 - no services |
1 - services up to 5 km away |
2 - services within 1 to 5 km |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 - services are next to the cultural heritage site |
Duration of the season of possible use |
1 |
1 - use is only possible during the summer |
2 |
2 - use is possible outside the winter period |
3 |
3 |
3 - use is possible all year round |
Danger of degradation |
0 |
0 |
0 - certain degradation |
1 |
1 |
1 - moderate risk of degradation |
2 - no danger of degradation |
Note: The Bač Fortress [I]; The Bođani Monastery [II]; The Franciscan Monastery [III];
The Turkish Hamam [IV]
Source: Authors’ research
The average assessment of touristic value for the Bač Fortress is 2.3, the Bođani Monastery and the Franciscan Monastery 2.7, and the Turkish Hammam 1.2. The total touristic value of cultural heritage exceeds other total average values at the location of the municipality of Bač, which is an indicator that authentic cultural heritage can be a true resource catalyst for the revitalization of cultural tourism.
Indicators of tourist value unequivocally indicate the existence of economic indicators that speak in favor of sustainable growth and development and job creation as well as the diverse range of multiplier effects that this type of tourism brings to local development and overall social image.
5. Conclusion
Planned and properly directed sustainable tourist growth and development of the municipality of Bač, based on the valorization of cultural and historical heritage, can simultaneously ensure the improvement of tourism, with all its positive multiplicative reflections, and protection and preservation of authentic and attractive heritage. The proposed criteria for valorization of cultural and historical heritage, integrated through the assessment of scientific, cultural, educational and tourist value, can be expanded with the participation of the local population, tourists and other interested individuals and organizations.
A precondition for more intensive development of sustainable tourism based on valuable cultural and historical heritage is the application of an integrated approach, by all stakeholders who can contribute to its reconstruction, adaptation, rehabilitation and conservation, and the promotion of culture and cultural heritage. Qualitative upgrading inevitably includes adequate interpretation, as a relevant educational function that provides personal experience and new experience each time.
The most significant value of the area of the municipality of Bač is a recognizable and authentic cultural heritage, which needs to be strengthened with creative and innovative content that leads to new purposes. In this context, it is necessary to continuously make efforts to build awareness of the unique value of cultural and historical heritage, which would be incorporated into the identity of the local community.
The authors suggest stronger promotion of the unique and unrepeatable cultural heritage, which will be followed by the creation of a database of scientific works on the cultural heritage and tourist potential of the municipality of Bač. The research showed that authentic touristic values represent a significant indicator of sustainable overall growth, as well as the existence of a wide range of multiplier effects, which can influence accelerated local development. However, the authors warn that the strategic development of the wider historical site of the municipality of Bač should take into account the possible consequences on the physical authenticity of the buildings, as well as the necessary socio-cultural synchronization between the increased tourist demand and the real capacities of the local community.
Detection and valorization of key cultural and historical determinants for the improvement of tourism in the municipality of Bač can significantly contribute to the economic, environmental, and social development of the local community and strengthen the competitive position of tourism, as well as many related activities.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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Received: 17 January 2023; Revised: 23 February 2023; Accepted: 22 May 2023
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1 Bač Fortress: immovable cultural property of exceptional importance. Decision No. 1175. Belgrade, July 30, 1948.
2 Bođani Monastery (monastery church, frescoes, and iconostasis): cultural monument of
exceptional significance. Decision No. 2152. Belgrade, December 04, 1948.
3 Franciscan Monastery: cultural monument of exceptional significance. Decision No. 679.
Novi Sad, May 30, 1951.
4 Remains of a Turkish bath – Hamam: cultural monument of great importance. Decision
No. 01-747/2. Novi Sad, November 01, 1971.
5 The maximum number of points has been given in parentheses.