Aims and Scope
The aim of Hotel and Tourism Management is to stimulate a critical discussion among scientists and practitioners to develop tourism and hotel management knowledge. The Journal act as an international forum for discussions and research on different issues, for new experiences and ideas in connection with the problems and tendencies of tourism and hotel management research.
The Editorial Board welcomes submissions from multiple areas of study that reflect the diversity of ways in which tourism and hotel management can be conceptualised and approached. The Journal welcomes submissions tackling the global, regional and national tourism and hotel management prospects that contribute to economic and social development. In addition, Hotel and Tourism Management does not consider theses as prior publication and welcomes excerpts from the author’s dissertations. The Journal remains open for new ideas and suggestions.
The Journal encourages cooperation with renowned national and foreign authors, as well as with esteemed institutions that have shown significant results in the field of tourism and hotel management. In line with the journal’s policy, the Editorial Board consists of both national and foreign experts.
Submissions are subject to double-blind peer review. A paper already published in another journal cannot be published in the Hotel and Tourism Management under a different name or in an altered form. Likewise, parallel submission of the same paper to another journal constitutes misconduct and eliminates the manuscript from consideration by Hotel and Tourism Management.