Hotel and Tourism Management
<div dir="ltr"><strong>Publisher: </strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism in Vrnjaĉka Banja</a></div> <div dir="ltr"> Vojvodjanska 5a, 36210 Vrnjaĉka Banja, Serbia</div> <div dir="ltr"> </div> <div dir="ltr"><strong>ISSN:</strong> 2620-0279</div> <div dir="ltr"><strong>e-ISSN:</strong> 2620-0481</div> <div dir="ltr"> </div> <div dir="ltr"><strong>Subject Collection (DOAJ):</strong> Home Economics: Hospitality Industry, Hotels,</div> <div dir="ltr">Clubs, Restaurants, etc. Food Service</div> <div dir="ltr"> </div> <div dir="ltr"><strong>ERIH PLUS disciplines: </strong>Business and Management, Cultural Studies,</div> <div dir="ltr">Environmental Studies</div> <div dir="ltr"> </div> <div dir="ltr"><strong>OECD classifications:</strong> Economics and Business, Languages and Literature,</div> <div dir="ltr">Other Social Sciences</div> <div dir="ltr"> </div> <div dir="ltr"><strong>Starting publishing date:</strong> 2013; <strong>Frequency:</strong> semiannually; <strong>UDC:</strong> 005:338.48</div> <div dir="ltr"> </div> <div dir="ltr"><strong>The journal uses a double-blind peer review.</strong></div> <div dir="ltr"> </div> <div dir="ltr">The journal uses a <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>CC BY license</strong></a> (starting with Volume 9 Number 1 2021),</div> <div dir="ltr">while previous issues were distributed under the terms of the CC BY-NC-ND licence.</div>Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism in Vrnjačka Banjaen-USHotel and Tourism Management2620-0279From global Doughnut sustainability to local tourism destination management
<p><strong>Purpose – </strong>This paper explores the intersection of global sustainability frameworks and local tourism management applying the Doughnut Economy model. The study aims to understand how destinations can bridge the gap between multidimensional, multilevel sustainability objectives and local execution, ultimately promoting a paradigm shift towards sustainable tourism.<strong> Methodology – </strong>We review the sustainable destination management literature as well as the Doughnut Economy framework and evaluate how the Doughnut model allows for an examination of how destinations can simultaneously address local needs and broader, systemic impacts.<strong> Findings – </strong>The integration of the Doughnut Economy model can help to ensure that the benefits and costs of tourism are in balance. Tourism destinations need to adopt consistent sustainable practices that align with both local aspirations and global sustainability targets. Digitalization can enhance the measuring and modelling of impacts and aid in steering behaviour.<strong> Implications – </strong>Destination managers have a role in the broader sustainability of tourism, and they will be required to apply comprehensive approaches such as the Doughnut model supported by digital solutions to balance social and ecological demands at local and global levels.</p>Anu Lähteenmäki-UutelaTeemu HaukiojaTuomas Pohjola
Copyright (c) 2024 Anu Lähteenmäki-Uutela, Teemu Haukioja, Tuomas Pohjola
2024-12-142024-12-1412210.5937/menhottur2400016LExploring adventure tourism trends through image content analysis of Instagram posts
<p><strong>Purpose</strong> – The main objective of the paper is to contribute to testing the usefulness of image content analysis in the assessment of trends in the tourism market, as well as to draw conclusions about contemporary tendencies in the adventure tourism market. <strong>Methodology</strong> – The image content analysis is a key methodological tool in this research, supported by comparative and cluster analysis. A detailed analysis of trends in adventure tourism is carried out through the assessment of geographical and temporal characteristics, types of adventure activities and user representation by gender. <strong>Findings</strong> – The results of the research indicated the significant role of developing countries as adventure tourism destinations, the absence of seasonality, the dominance of soft adventure activities and women as participants in this type of tourism. In addition, the research made it possible to identify certain new activities and conclude on the diversification of the offer, as well as the classification of activities according to the gender structure of the participants. <strong>Implications</strong> – The results can be useful to the creators of the offer on the adventure tourism market, but also to the tourists themselves in terms of ideas and motivation. In a theoretical sense, the paper should contribute to highlighting the prevailing views in the literature on the key features of adventure tourism.</p>Tanja StanišićSonja LazarevićDiana Kopeva
Copyright (c) 2024 Tanja Stanišić, Sonja Lazarević, Diana Kopeva
2024-12-142024-12-1412210.5937/menhottur2400013SThe role of guest loyalty between satisfaction with service recovery and guest behavior in mountain hotels
<p><strong>Purpose</strong> – The purpose of the study is to investigate the role of guest loyalty in the relationship between satisfaction with service recovery (SSR) and consumer citizenship behavior (CCB), as well as dysfunctional customer behavior (DCB) of hotel guests. <strong>Methodology </strong>– The study was conducted on a sample of 1,324 guests from hotels operating in the Republic of Serbia, Croatia, and Slovenia in mountain tourism. The obtained data were analyzed using an SEM approach. <strong>Findings</strong> – Loyalty has a mediating role in the relationship between SSR and CCB. On the other hand, loyalty does not have a mediating role in the relationship between SSR and DCB of hotel guests during their stay. <strong>Implications </strong>– The study has theoretical and practical implications. The theoretical implication is that loyalty forms the foundation for guests’ cognitive and affective responses when they are satisfied with a service recovery; this means that loyalty is a driver of hotel guests’ CCB. In the opposite situation, loyalty does not act as a shock absorber that will mitigate the impact of dissatisfaction with service recovery on the manifestation of DCB. The practical implications are that hotels must prioritize effective service recovery strategies to enhance guest loyalty and encourage CCB while simultaneously reducing the risk of DCB.</p>Milica JosimovićDragan ĆoćkaloNikola Radivojević
Copyright (c) 2024 Milica Josimović, Dragan Ćoćkalo, Nikola Radivojević
2024-12-142024-12-1412210.5937/menhottur2400012JThe mediating role of the glass-ceiling phenomenon in the relationship between career opportunities and employee engagement within the hospitality
<p><strong>Purpose</strong> – The main purpose of this paper is to examine and analyze the relationship between career opportunities and employee engagement, as well as the mediating effect of the glass-ceiling phenomenon within the hospitality. <strong>Methodology</strong> – Beside desk research, this paper employs the empirical research undertaken by use of a specially prepared online questionnaire. Research was conducted between October 2023 and April 2024 with participation of 567 women employed in the hospitality, while proposed relationships were tested by using the partial least squares method for structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM, SmartPLS software). <strong>Findings</strong> – The research results showed the existence of a positive relationship between broken glass-ceiling and employee engagement, that career opportunities are positively related to employee engagement and elimination of the glass-ceiling effect, and that the glass-ceiling effect mediates the relationship between career opportunities and employee engagement within the hospitality. <strong>Implications</strong> – This is one of the first studies which addresses the topics of glass-ceiling, career opportunities and employee engagement in the hospitality by using specific methodology (questionnaire and PLS-SEM). The research findings may be used as a basis for decision making process for retaining employees in the hospitality on the long run by eliminating glass-ceiling effects, improving career opportunities and employee engagement.</p>Jelena Lukić NikolićPero Labus
Copyright (c) 2024 Jelena Lukić Nikolić, Pero Labus
2024-12-142024-12-1412210.5937/menhottur2400011LNavigating sustainability: Enhancing coastal and marine tourism through green skills, co-creation, and multi-stakeholder engagement
<p><strong>Purpose</strong> <strong>- </strong>Coastal and marine tourism, consolidated by national and local governments’ aspirations to improve the vitality of the economy by developing the tourism sector, is considered one of the key contributors to the EU’s blue growth. The challenge remains how to do this without compromising the sensitive nature and needs of local communities for environmental, social, economic and cultural sustainability. The aim of this research is to understand how to enhance sustainable coastal and marine tourism from the perspectives of green skills, value co-creation and multi-stakeholder engagement. <strong>Methodology -</strong> The applied methodology is mixed methods, including qualitative and quantitative approaches. <strong>Findings -</strong> The findings highlight the need to support stakeholders’ capabilities, such as green skills, to be able to cooperate and engage in co-creating sustainable tourism with other stakeholders. Our case studies highlight the need for skills development at different levels to empower stakeholders to change their behaviour, engage in co-creation and acknowledge new technologies that support the transformation to sustainable tourism. <strong>Implications -</strong> Our study highlights the value of co-creation as a theoretical perspective in studying sustainable tourism, confirms the previous theoretical claim of a holistic, sustainable development view in coastal tourism and provides insights for its management.</p>Riikka FranzenKristel EdelmanOlena de Andrés GonzálezArja Lemmetyinen
Copyright (c) 2024 Riikka Franzen, Kristel Edelman, Olena de Andrés González, Arja Lemmetyinen
2024-12-142024-12-1412210.5937/menhottur2400014FExploring rural tourism potential in rural areas of Vrnjačka Banja
<p><strong>Purpose -</strong> The paper aims to examine the local populace’s perceptions towards the possibilities and approaches of developing rural tourism in the rural areas of the Vrnjačka Banja municipality. The goal of the study is to contribute to the understanding of rural tourism development and the promotion of sustainable rural development while actively involving the local population. <strong>Methodology -</strong> The collected primary data underwent analysis employing descriptive statistics and factor analysis in IBM SPSS Statistics 26.0 software. <strong>Findings</strong><strong> -</strong> The analyzed results of the empirical research has shown that rural tourism in rural areas of municipality of Vrnjačka Banja can be developed by including local population. <strong>Implications</strong><strong> -</strong> The research makes a theoretical contribution by enriching the discourse on the socio and economic prosperity of the community and tourism in rural areas. The practical implications of the paper involve contributing to the formulation future strategies for advancing rural tourism in municipality of Vrnjačka Banja. Moreover, the paper can serve as a basis for future improvements in effective rural tourism management and enhancement of the overall quality of life for the rural community in the Vrnjačka Banja municipality.</p>Suzana LazovićSnežana MilićevićNataša ĐorđevićVladimir Kraguljac
Copyright (c) 2024 Suzana Lazović, Snežana Milićević, Nataša Đorđević, Vladimir Kraguljac
2024-12-142024-12-1412210.5937/menhottur2400007LWarnings of financial fraud in travel agencies in the Republic of Serbia during the COVID-19 pandemic
<p><strong>Purpose </strong>– The purpose of this paper is to determine the change in warning signs of fraud in the financial reports of travel agencies during the COVID-19 pandemic compared to the pre-pandemic period and to investigate a potential increase in the risk of bankruptcy in travel agencies during the same period. <strong>Methodology </strong>– The methodology used in the research comprises the analytical methods of forensic accounting (Beneish model and Altman Z-score), as well as descriptive statistics. <strong>Findings </strong>– The results of the research show that there is a certain increase in warning signs during the pandemic compared to the period before the pandemic and there the risk of bankruptcy in travel agencies increases during the pandemic. <strong>Implications </strong>– The theoretical implications of the study relate to expanding our knowledge about the importance of analytical techniques of forensic accounting and quantifying the probability of manipulation in the travel agencies’ financial reports. The practical implications of the work relate to the usefulness of the results for authorized fraud investigators as well as for investors in travel agencies. On the other hand, the results can be useful for clients of travel agencies when selecting travel agencies.</p>Dragomir DimitrijevićPredrag StankovićStefan Vržina
Copyright (c) 2024 Dragomir Dimitrijević, Predrag Stanković, Stefan Vržina
2024-12-142024-12-1412210.5937/menhottur2400003DThe impact of the quality of gastronomic services on tourist satisfaction in agritourism farms in Eastern Serbia
<p><strong>Purpose</strong> – The study aimed to analyze the quality of gastronomic services in the agrarian regions of Eastern Serbia, focusing on the experiences of tourists visiting these destinations. The research was motivated by the increasing importance of gastronomic services in contemporary studies, particularly in rural areas like Eastern Serbia, known for its unique offerings in agritourism. <strong>Methodology</strong> – The research was conducted in 2024 on a sample of 189 respondents across 14 agritourism farms in Eastern Serbia. Data were analyzed using SPSS software, version 26.00, and multiple regression analysis was employed to identify the key predictors influencing overall service quality. <strong>Findings</strong> – The results revealed a statistically significant impact of the quality of gastronomic services on tourist satisfaction. The analysis identified key predictors of the quality of gastronomic services that significantly contribute to the overall tourist experience, highlighting the importance of high-quality service in enhancing visitor satisfaction. <strong>Implications</strong> – The study's findings contribute to the theoretical understanding of service quality in rural tourism and provide practical insights for agritourism operators in Eastern Serbia. By improving the quality of their gastronomic offerings, these operators can enhance tourist satisfaction and potentially increase visitor numbers.</p>Dragan VukolićTamara GajićSnežana KneževićMarko Cilić
Copyright (c) 2024 Dragan Vukolić, Tamara Gajić, Snežana Knežević, Marko Cilić