Social media and corporate image as determinants of global and local brands purchase: Moderating effects of consumer openness to foreign cultures
local brand, global brand, social media, corporate image, consumer opennessAbstract
The main goal of this paper is to analyze the impact of social media marketing activities (SMMA) and corporate image as antecedents of global and local brands purchase. Furthermore, the goal of this research is to determine whether consumer openness to foreign cultures has moderating influence on selected relationships in the research model. The sample of 372 respondents was collected. Hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling. For both local and global brands, SMMA and corporate image have a positive impact on consumer attitudes. Additionally, consumer attitudes influence positively consumer intentions concerning the purchase of both types of brands, and intentions have the same influence on the actual purchase of analyzed brands. Consumer openness to foreign cultures has moderating influence on relationships between the corporate image and consumer attitudes, regarding both global and local brands.
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