Tourist Facilities as Targets of Modern Terrorism


  • Ратко Љубојевић Академија за националну безбедност, Београд


tourist facilities, modern terrorism, religious fundamentalism, large terrorist attacks, crisis management


The subject matter of this paper is terrorist attacks on tourist facilities worldwide that during the first decade of the 21st century have become not only more frequent but also all the more lethal. Increased level of security of the state institutions and diplomatic missions in the world after the terrorist attacks on the US on September 11, 2001, made the terrorists reorient the focus of their attention primarily to large international hotel facilities. The aim of this paper is to highlight the fact that these "small towns" are relatively easy and very vulnerable targets of terrorist attacks. Namely, in situations in which there are affluent movements of guests and a large number of employees, potential terrorists can easily infiltrate and perform observation smoothly, design modus operandi and finally, with a small number of operatives conduct the attack. Therefore, measures of crisis management in the hotels are of crucial importance for the safety of both guests and employees.


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How to Cite

Љубојевић, Р. (2015). Tourist Facilities as Targets of Modern Terrorism. Hotel and Tourism Management, 3(1), 117–125. Retrieved from
