Natural resources for the nature-based tourism development of the Vojvodina Province
nature-based tourism, AP Vojvodina, ecotourism, natural resourcesAbstract
The area of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina has significant natural potentials for the development of nature-based tourism. The paper analyzes the data found in various articles as well as data obtained hands-on. Selected factors such as location, relief, climate, hydrography, flora and fauna and protected areas of Vojvodina were analyzed. The degree of presence of the mentioned factors for the development of nature-based tourism was determined with selected indicators. The medium and high level of the presence of factors indicates the possibility of developing ecotourism, scientific tourism, hunting, fishing, sports and recreation, bird watching, nautical, trips and other forms of tourism based on natural resources. Quantitative, comparative and data presentation methods were used in the research. The results of research can aid further research of nature-based tourism.
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